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Christmas Décor

German Christmas Decorations and Gifts

Here you can find our collection of German Christian Ulbricht Nutcrackers and Smokers. (German Incense Burners, Wobble figures ), Christmas Décor (Herrnhuter Moravian Stars, Pyramids, Schwibbogen) and German Décor.

5 products found in Christmas Décor


Christian Ulbricht Smoker - Snowman With Aviary
  • $59.50
Christian Ulbricht Smoker - Snowman with Bird House
  • $69.00


Christian Ulbricht Smoker - Snowman with Birdhouse - Natural
  • $150.50


Christian Ulbricht Smoker - Snowman Frosty
  • $69.00
Christian Ulbricht Smoker - Snowman*
  • $125.50