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Not sure if you need an Umbrella or better put on the Sunscreen?

We have the Answer. A Weather House from Germany.

This Technique of Weather Forecasting has been around since 1735.

Ever wondered how it works?

The two figures hang on a gut string which lengthens or contracts according to the humidity in the air. This causes the figures to turn in either direction.

Traditionally, the Man has to go out into the Rain and the Woman is allowed to enjoy the Sun.

Often, the small House in Alpine Hut Style, has a Thermometer and can so become a real Weather Station.

Operating Instructions:

Place the weather house in an area with good air flow like a balcony, patio, or pergola

If the current weather conditions are sunny and dry, turn the red knob on the roof top (chimney) gently counterclockwise until the woman is out.
If the current weather conditions are poor / wet, turn the red knob on the roof top (chimney) gently clockwise until the man is out.
This adjustment is only done once.


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