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German Christmas Traditions

German Christmas traditions encompass a delightful array of festive elements, including the iconic "Smoker," "Nutcracker," and "Nativity sets."

The Smoker, a beloved decorative piece, showcases a wooden figure resembling a traditional villager or a whimsical character, often dressed in regional attire. When a fragrant incense cone is lit inside, wisps of scented smoke gently waft through the figure's mouth, filling the air with a delightful aroma.

Nutcracker, with their intricate craftsmanship and vibrant colors, stand tall as symbols of German craftsmanship. These wooden soldiers possess movable jaws, allowing them to crack nuts with a simple lever.

Lastly, Nativity sets depict the birth of Jesus, beautifully capturing the scene with hand-carved figurines of Mary, Joseph, the Baby Jesus, the Three Wise Men, and other biblical characters. These cherished traditions add a touch of enchantment and warmth to German homes during the holiday season, immersing families in the story and spirit of Christmas.

44 products found in German Christmas Collection


PEMA Kostner Nativity - Set with Holy Night Stable 15 pcs.
  • €775,95
  • From €649,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Rooster
  • From €15,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Camel
  • From €77,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Holy Family 4 pcs.
  • From €139,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Gloria Angel
  • From €65,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Comet
  • From €14,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Hen Standing
  • From €15,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Goat with Short Hair
  • From €23,95


PEMA Kostner Nativity - Camel With Luggage
  • From €80,95


PEMA Kostner Nativity - Calf
  • From €30,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Boy With Spitz
  • From €60,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Shepherd With Two Sheep
  • From €68,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - The Three Kings
  • From €204,95


PEMA Kostner Nativity - Set with Holy Night Stable 29 pcs.
  • €1.348,95
  • From €1.114,95


Christian Ulbricht Nutcracker - Santa Claus Nostalgia - Glazed*
  • €232,95
  • €181,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Black King
  • From €72,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Goat Lying
  • From €23,95
PEMA Kostner Nativity - Donkey in Search Of Shelter
  • From €35,95